How to enroll
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- Written by root
Category: Uncategorised
Published: 22 October 2021
Hits: 3034
Foreign citizens, who have appropriate documents on education, shall be enrolled to the University according to the results of the entrance exams.
Foreign citizens, who do not speak Ukrainian and are going to apply for Ukrainian language Programme, shall be accepted to Preparatory Courses at our University for preparation for entering into higher educational establishments of Ukraine.
Submission of the documents
- July, 14 – December 1, 2022
- January, 1 - March, 1, 2023
- May, 1 – June, 1, 2023
Step 1. Apply for the invitation to study at the University
Send please to International Relations Department (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) the following documents (in separate files)
- Completed application form;
- passport document;
- a document on the obtained level of education with grades obtained from academic disciplines or an academic certificate (transcript of records);
- written consent on processing of personal data;
University Selection Committee will examine your documents and assess if the applicant’s grades are sufficient for a study of the major chosen at the faculty selected. In case of positive decision, the university will issue Invitation for study at the University to apply for a long-term visa.
The invitation is valid for six months from the date of its issuance.
The University sends the original of the invitation registered in the electronic journal to the foreigner or a person authorized by him.
After receiving the invitation, you will make the payment on account of State Enterprise «Ukrainian State Center for International Education» of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Step 2. Visa
To obtain a long stay visa (type D13), a prospective student shall submit a series of documents to the consulate or embassy of Ukraine in their respective country as indicated on the embassy’s website. Regardless of where you submit your documents, you will always be asked to include the original “Invitation to study”.
Step 3. Arrival
After getting visa from Embassy or Consulate, students should inform us about his/her flight details with date and time of arrival. Also we should have an information about a representative person who will pick the student up from the airport (if it’s possible).
Step 4. Admission Procedure
- Every Applicant should bring with him/her the full package of original documents to submit them to Admission Committee. As for other required documents, contact please International Relations Department (the main building of the University, room 214).
Staff of Admission Committee will complete the admission process in 1-3 working days and will set a date of entrance exams after successful passing of which You will become a Student and will be allowed to start the classes.
Step 5. Registration of a temporary residence permit
Countries with a visa entry procedure
You are obliged to provide the International Relations Department with a passport within five working days after arriving to the university. The officer of IRD will consult You as for documents necessary to apply for a temporary residence permit in Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as Posvidka). You should submit them to IRD not later than 30 days before the expiration of the visa.
Countries with a visa-free entry (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Russia, Uzbekistan)
Citizens of countries with visa-free entry may stay in Ukraine for up to 90 days in any 180-day period. Such foreigners are obliged to provide the IRD with a passport within five working days upon arrival to the University. The officer of IRD will consult You as for documents necessary to apply for a temporary residence permit in Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as Posvidka). You should submit them to IRD not later than 30 days before the expiry of the established period of stay in Ukraine.
The order of registration, issue, exchange, cancellation, transfer, withdrawal, return to the state, invalidation and destruction of the temporary residence permit is approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 25.04.2018, N 322
A complete package of documents for the further registration of posvidka:
- a passport with a type D-13 visa, unless otherwise provided by the legislation and international agreements of Ukraine;
- notarized translation of passport;
- a valid health insurance certificate for the period of study.
The officer of IRD will prepare all other necessary documents and SMS will appoint a date to apply for a posvidka. Documents for registration of Posvidka (including reissuance of the lost or stolen one) or its exchange shall be submitted personally by a foreigner or a stateless person to a state-owned enterprise belonging to the management of the SMS (State Migration Service) or a regional office of the SMS at the place of registration.
Foreigners who have arrived in Ukraine for the purpose of study and received Posvidka are considered to be legally residing in Ukraine for the period of study. Posvidka is issued to foreigners and stateless persons who have reached the age of 16 years.
Posvidka is made in the form of a card containing a contactless electronic data storage device.
Documents for the issuance of Posvidka are submitted not later than 15 working days before the expiry of the established term of stay in Ukraine.
In case of occurrence of circumstances (events) after which Posvidka is the subject to exchange (except for the expiration of its validity), documents for its exchange shall be submitted within one month from the date of occurrence of such circumstances (events).
In case of expiration of the validity of Posvidka documents for its exchange may be submitted not later than 15 working days before the date of expiration of its validity. In such a case when Posvidka which needs to be exchanged is returned to the person and is turned in at the time of receipt of new Posvidka.
After obtaining Posvidka, the foreigner is obliged to submit it to IRD within three working days for registration of the place of residence in Ukraine. You must be registered within 30 days of the date of issue (not date of pick up).