Recognition of educational documents
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Category: Uncategorised
Published: 09 March 2023
Hits: 3239
Procedure for recognition of foreign educational documents (formerly called “nostrification”) is aimed to ensure the rights of citizens, who received education in other states, for continuing education and / or professional activity in Ukraine. Such the procedure та is carried out on an individual basis.
Recognition of foreign education documents in Ukraine is carried out in full accordance with Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region, ratified by the corresponding Law of Ukraine of December 03, 1999 № 1273-XIV, as well as with the recommendations of this Convention.
After the recognition procedure, the holder of foreign educational documents receives a certificate confirming the right of the holder of documents, issued by the educational institution of another state, to continue education or job in a higher educational institution of Ukraine or in enterprises throughout all Ukraine. The issuance of such certificate is carried out on the basis of a decision of the competent authority - a higher educational institution or the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
The procedure for recognizing foreign educational documents includes: authentication of documents, confirmation of the status of an educational institution and / or educational program, appraisal of qualifications or period of study, and the establishment of equivalence to educational or educational professional level in Ukraine, academic and / or professional rights.
The procedure for recognition of foreign documents on education has been substantially reformed in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education". There is a normative act that regulates the procedure of recognition in Ukraine by all competent authorities – Order of MES dated May 5, 2015 № 504, registered at the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine of May 27, 2015 № 614/27059. On this day there was introduced the procedure for recognizing the degrees of higher education obtained in foreign higher educational institutions and documents on secondary, secondary vocational and vocational education.
Higher education establishments – for the purpose of enrollment of the holder of a foreign educational document (hereinafter referred to as the Document) for education and / or for the position of a scientific or scientific-pedagogical worker to this higher educational institution;
The right of the holder of the Document to continue studying or employment in this higher educational institution is confirmed by the decision of the higher educational institution on recognition by obtaining a certificate of recognition of a foreign document on education (hereinafter referred to as the Certificate);
MES - for the purpose of employment and / or continuing education of the holder of the Document on the territory of Ukraine. The decision of the Ministry of Education and Science confirms the right of the holder of the Document to continue education and / or employment in Ukraine, through issuance of Certificate.
To be valid in Ukraine (for employment or continuing education purposes), a foreign educational document you may needs to undergo the recognition procedure. This means establishing the compliance of the academic and professional rights, as well as the educational and qualification levels indicated in foreign educational documents (qualifications) with the national education standards of Ukraine.