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Category: News
Published: 02 October 2023
Hits: 669
Thanks to our efforts in the direction of internationalization, Tetyana Klyuchkovska, a 2nd-year student of the Faculty of Biology and Technology, took part in the International summer school "Sustainable State of Nature". Our constant and faithful partner - Wrocław University of Natural Sciences within the framework of the Interact program, organized this event.
«I really liked the summer school. It gives me the opportunity to meet new friends, improve my English and Polish and visit new places. My favorite part was Mount Snezhka and how we climbed it. We also had an excellent accommodation conditions, delicious breakfasts and dinners. I enriched my worldview and learned a lot. I would go again with great pleasure. – Tania says.
Category: News
Published: 20 July 2023
Hits: 794
We are very grateful to our Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies Lviv and University of Rzeszów for the opportunity to participate in such an interesting Erasmus+ study program. It was a valuable experience, thanks to which we gained new knowledge in our field, made new acquaintances, raised the level of English and Polish languages, and also visited a different environment for us, which is no less important. We received a lot of positive emotions, interesting practice and informative lectures. New acquaintances are a good plus for us, we still keep in touch with students from different countries. We also found contact with the teachers, and the studying was easy, informative and very interesting. Every lecture and every practical lesson was memorable, and the activities of the Erasmus+ program in Rzeszów were very exciting. Read more: FEEDBACK of our students about a study at University of Rzeszów
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Category: News
Published: 20 July 2023
Hits: 1063
My name is Dariia Hniezdilova. I`m a 4th year student of veterinary medicine faculty in Lviv National Stepan Gzhytsky University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude towards the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences and the Lviv National Stepan Gzhytsky University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology for providing me with opportunity to participate in the Summer school research program hosted by the Angers University in France. The program took place from 24th of June to 5th of July and it was hosted by the University’s faculty of health and medicine. The participant cohort consisted of students and professionals from varied fields like Pharmacy, Medicine, Biomedical Sciences and Veterinary Medicine. The academic schedule for these twelve days comprised of lectures regarding state of the art research in medicine and specifically in neuroscience. The panel of lecturers included elite level researchers and scientists like Marco Spinazzi, Maxima Gaubwerti, Marco Pasi etc. to name a few, all of them pioneers in their respective fields. We also had workshops about scientific writing, data base analysis etc. Also we had the privilege of visiting one of the most reputed laboratories in gene therapy called the Généthon. There we received a guided tour of the laboratory and got the opportunity to meet and greet their faculty and witness their top notch research work and machinery involved in the process. Also we spent a few hours in the Angers University simulation centre where we learnt some techniques relating first aid, intubation and IV-catheter placement protocols.
Read more: Student's feedback about the participation in Summer School in the frame of Interact project- Details
Category: News
Published: 15 May 2023
Hits: 748
This April, I had a wonderful opportunity to become a participant in the two-week SPINAKER program "Excellence in clinical science" at the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences. Due to this project, I could enrich my knowledge in the field of veterinary medicine and improve my practical skills. During the program, we worked in such a direction as diseases of dogs and cats. We practiced at the Departments of Reproduction and Diagnostic Imaging. The first week we attended online lectures, which were held at a high level by some of the best specialists in their field - Ewa Stanczyk and Andrea Münnich. And in the second week, we met in picturesque Wroclaw and continued our studies there, mastering theoretical knowledge in practice. The workshops were extremely interesting and full of material. We learned a lot and had a great time.
Read more: SPINAKER Program- Details
Category: News
Published: 01 March 2023
Hits: 850
Erasmus+ is not only about the knowledge you will get at the university. It's like living a short, but completely different life in the middle of your full life. Everything has changed - the classes in which I study, my bed, which I used to sleep on, and the store closest to home.
This is the same "clean sheet", although temporary - a new country, city, teachers, and people around. The opportunity to take, and start doing everything the way you now think is right. See yourself differently.
Erasmus+ is a space for students who want to try. Search for something new, and review your existing knowledge. For those who value experience.
These are acquaintances, many acquaintances. This is communication and cooperation. Not only with foreign students who also take part in the exchange - we communicated a lot with those who came to Poland to get an education from the first year receiving a diploma. From these students I could find solace when I was afraid of taking exams, or getting advice - they had already passed the subject. It is to find your soul mate - a person with whom you perfectly match your interests and aspirations. This is a feeling of childish comfort, freedom, and adult responsibility at the same time.
It is to feel how strong you have become and how many open doors are around you. Your sense of strength grows as soon as you try something new, unknown, and a little scary. After Erasmus, I consider other offers with greater enthusiasm and confidence – internships, conferences, and summer schools.
This period was full of joys and difficulties but left a pleasant aftertaste. I learned a lot, during the classes I took notes which I will use in the future. My specialty is veterinary medicine, it is difficult but exciting. Wrocław University of Natural Sciences impressed me with it is scale. There is a stable with a large number of farm animals - horses, cows, goats, and sheep, and territory with dogs that are bred and trained specifically for classes with students - patient and cute beagles, and a large clinic at the university, where appointments are conducted by narrow specialists - part of the classes took place in the offices of dermatology, cardiology, ultrasound diagnostics, etc.
Read more: Erasmus+ is not only about the knowledge.... (feedback from our student Olena Zhuk about academic...- Details
Category: News
Published: 26 October 2022
Hits: 955
On October 19, 2022 (starting at 14 pm) a tripartite meeting was held at ZOOM with the participation of:
- Claire Axel-Berg - International Consultant and Lawyer for Higher Education representatives of Cormack Consultancy Group (Edinburgh, UK),
- Nina Davies – Director of International and Strategic Engagement of Royal Veterinary College (London, UK),
- Imelda McGonnell – Vice Principal Students,
- Michele Milner – Director of Learning and Wellbeing,
- John Fishwick – Senior Lecturer and Course Director,
- Oksana Palych - head of the international relation department of Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies of Lviv
- Ihor Turko – first vice-rector,
- Ihor Dvyliuk - vice rector for education,
- Yuri Stronskyi - dean of the veterinary faculty,
- Mykhailo Podoliak - course manager and head of foreign language department,
- Khrystyna Kalyta - students relation
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Category: News
Published: 20 July 2022
Hits: 1410
This summer I had a great opportunity to participate in the Summer School at the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences. This experience cannot be described in words. I was fortunate to listen to many interesting lectures and learn new information in practice by attending on-campus workshops. The school lasted two weeks, and this time passed imperceptibly. Also, many interesting events were organized for us, during which was a brilliant chance to get to know other participants of the program better and to communicate with interesting people. The program was well planned, with the possibility of combining the pleasant with the useful.
Before becoming a participant of the Summer School, it was necessary to pass a selection. It consisted of two stages. The first stage is filling out a questionnaire, in which you need to indicate the animals you would like to work with (cats and dogs, or horses), the second is an online interview. Since I chose small animals, the Summer School program offered to familiarize myself with three specialties, namely cardiology, oncology and reproduction. During the first week, we participated in online lectures. They were conducted by teachers from universities in Poland, Italy, Austria, Romania and France. It was incredibly interesting to hear about new research in science from different countries of the world. We managed to glean a lot of interesting information about veterinary medicine!
Read more: Summer School in Wrocław- Details
Category: News
Published: 02 July 2022
Hits: 1137
On June 30, 2022 (starting at 12 pm) a tripartite meeting was held at ZOOM (https://consultcormack.zoom.us/j/86221879785?pwd=5WeSVky0Btj0xy6mdYfpg7w09ubCj6.1&from=addon) with the participation of representatives of Cormack Consultancy Group (Edinburgh, UK) Gintaras Steponavicius, Director (CEE +) and Oksana Vavrenchuk, Executive Assistant, Director the Department of Access, Director of RVC Access and International Engagement (London, UK) Nina Davis and the Head of the International Relations Department of our University Oksana Palych.
Read more: Press release on team meeting ( Twinning project)- Details
Category: News
Published: 02 July 2022
Hits: 1156
Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies of Lviv has signed the Memorandum of understanding with the Royal Veterinary College (London, England), which provides cooperation, long-term partnerships between educational institutions, the possibility of student exchange and development of research potential of Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies of Lviv.
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Category: News
Published: 17 June 2022
Hits: 1392
On June 13, 2022 (starting at 12 pm) a tripartite meeting was held at ZOOM with the participation of representatives of Cormack Consultancy Group (Edinburgh, UK) Claire Axel-Berg, International Consultant and Lawyer for Higher Education and Oksana Vavrenchuk, Executive Assistant, Director the Department of Access, Director of RVC Access and International Engagement (London, UK) Nina Davis and the Head of the International Relations Department of our University Oksana Palych.
Content of the event: This was the first follow-up call between Royal Veterinary College and S. Gzhytskyi University. Colleagues discussed the following:
1. Summer schools:
Considering the timing, it was agreed that the most sensible way of moving forward with this would be to organise the summer schools already in 2023
2. Joint research project
Last time, universities discussed the possibility of developing a joint master's programme. However, it was agreed to start with the joint research project in Veterinary Medicine which would allow the involvement not only of master's but also bachelor's students.
It will also give both institutions to get to know each other better and potentially go to the development of joint master's programme further down the line.
3. Support with the online teaching
S. Gzhytskyi University would be grateful for the support in online teaching of both their and displaced students whom they host on their campus.
It was agreed that colleagues at S. Gzhytskyi University would have internal discussion and send Royal Vet their ideas for help i.e. whether those should be one-off lectures or part of the curricula which Ukrainian students study; the subject areas they would need this support in; level of study - bachelor's or master's etc.
4. MOU
There will be a Twinning Conference on the 28th of June with the joint ceremony of signing which Royal Vet and S. Gzhytskyi could also join.
5. Equipment
S. Gzhytskyi sent a list of needed equipment to Royal Vet.
Royal Vet will come back with the update on this matter next week.
6. Further cooperation
It was discussed that Royal Vet would create a special working group which will be focusing on the Twinning cooperation. (including colleagues from Learning and IT departments)
7. Development of double degrees
Both Universities have such an aspiration and would look at it in a longer-term perspective
8. English language provision:
Royal Vet doesn’t have much experience with delivering English language preparatory courses but would like to develop those, so Cormack Consultancy Group suggested contacting both Reallyenglish and Aberystwyth to see what could be done
9. Other:
The colleagues at Royal Vet College have an internal meeting on Ukraine only on Wednesday this week
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Category: News
Published: 08 June 2022
Hits: 1424
Wroclaw is a charming city in the Lower Silesian Voivodeship of Poland. I was so lucky to spend my Erasmus time here. The city has a rich architectural heritage and ancient history. You can visit many unique architectural monuments that combine different European styles. Market Square - the heart of Wroclaw. The main building is the Town Hall, which decorates the city and gives it grandeur.
However, I fell in love with this city not only because of the richness of architecture, culture, and history but above all because of the people. Poles are incredible. They are sincere, cheerful, friendly, and hospitable. And now, in such a difficult time for us, Ukrainians, they are ready to lend us a helping hand and support us not only in word but also in deed. Hundreds of Ukrainian refugees found refuge in Polish homes, and tons of humanitarian aid were sent to our land. Rallies, meetings, and actions in support of Ukraine have taken place in the center of Wroclaw since the beginning of the war. Events are still taking place. Ukrainian music is heard everywhere, and a blue and yellow flag hangs on almost every building. Poles are very sympathetic and open-hearted. Thanks to this, every Ukrainian can feel at home. Such invaluable and important support is felt in every look, smile, touch, and word.
Read more: Wroclaw is a charming city- Details
Category: News
Published: 31 May 2022
Hits: 1108
On May 26, 2022 (starting at 1 pm) a tripartite meeting was held at ZOOM with the participation of representatives of Cormack Consultancy Group (Edinburgh, UK) Claire Axel-Berg, International Consultant and Lawyer for
Higher Education and Oksana Vavrenchuk, Executive Assistant, Director the Department of Access, Director of RVC Access and International Engagement (London, UK) Nina Davis and the Head of the International Relations Department of our University Oksana Palych.
*Content of the event:* During the introductory meeting, both educational institutions presented themselves, discussed areas of cooperation. Ms. Davis out that there is an opportunity to involve the Council of Veterinary
Schools and the British Veterinary Association to increase support.
The Twinning concept was discussed, which is aimed at creating a deep and long-lasting partnership, which will allow for the support of University in both the short and long term. It was also emphasized that all support
should focus on allowing the university to maintain its link with staff and students, and this is vital for the long-term survival and development of the university.Twinning should enable key stakeholder groups in both
universities to come together and work together (students, staff, researchers) and offer institutional support.