Press release on team meeting ( Twinning project)
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Category: News
Published: 02 July 2022
Hits: 1138
On June 30, 2022 (starting at 12 pm) a tripartite meeting was held at ZOOM ( with the participation of representatives of Cormack Consultancy Group (Edinburgh, UK) Gintaras Steponavicius, Director (CEE +) and Oksana Vavrenchuk, Executive Assistant, Director the Department of Access, Director of RVC Access and International Engagement (London, UK) Nina Davis and the Head of the International Relations Department of our University Oksana Palych.
Content of the event:
This was the 3rd meeting between Royal Veterinary College and Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies of Lviv.
• Royal Vet is currently in the process of creating a team that would work on Twinning, so the cooperation will be progressing quicker as soon as the team is in place.
• Nina is also attending an event aimed at the Vet departments next week and will raise twinning there to see if there would be any interest from other institutions.
• In case there is a broader interest, it was suggested trying and involve other Ukrainian Vet institutions that might need help.
• Help with online teaching;
• English language provision:
o RVC has a conversation with Reallyenglish and it seems that would be the best option to go with them
• Linking student unions:
o The new head of RVC student union will be in place in August, so active discussions will start then. (The general reaction is positive)
• Equipment
o Nina will speak about that at the event next week
• Other
o Parties agreed to try and meet once more before the 22nd to discuss the news and online courses. (It was mentioned that both sides will also invite colleagues responsible for online courses)
• Next steps:
o Universities will meet again before the 22nd of July to discuss online courses and updates from the event next week