Наукова робота викладачів
- Деталі
Опубліковано: 27 лютого 2023
Перегляди: 686
Напрям наукової діяльності:
1. Bilonoga Y.L.Optimization of calculation and selection of heat exchange equipment in the use of nanofluid heat carriers / Y.L.Bilonoga, V.V. Stybel, O.R. Maksysko, U. R.Drachuk //Resource–and energy–saving technologies in the chemical industry.– 2022. – 6. – Р. 16
2. Bilonoga Y.L.Optimization of calculation and selection of heat exchange equipment in the use of nanofluid heat carriers / Y.L. Bilonoga, V.V .Stybel, O.R .Maksysko, U.R. Drachuk // Publishing House “Baltija Publishing”, –2022.
3. Bilonoga Y. Use of new similarities Bl and Blturb. to optimize the calculation and selection of heat exchange equipment for working with nanofluid coolants / Y. Bilonoga, V. Stybel, O. Maksysko, U. Drachuk //Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Food Technologies. – 2021. – 23 (96). – Р.46–53
4. Bilonoga Y. Substantiation of a New Calculation and Selection Algorithm of Optimal Heat Exchangers with Nanofluid Heat Carriers Taking into Account Surface Forces / Y. Bіlonoga, V. Stybel, O. Maksysko, U. Drachuk // Journal homepage: http://iieta. org/journals/ijht. – 2021.– 39 (6). – Р.1697–1712
5. Basarab I. Using of non–traditional raw materials in the technology of cooked sausages with functional purposes/ I. Basarab, U. Drachuk, B. Halukh, H. Koval, I. Simonova//Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Food Technologies. – 2021. – 23(95). – Р.65–71
6. Halukh B. Expanding the range of sausage products of special purpose/ B. Halukh, U. Drachuk, I. Simonova, I. Basarab, .I Romashko //Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Food Technologies.– 2020. – 22 (94). – Р. 37–43
7. Bіlonoga Y.A New Universal Numerical Equation and a New Method for Calculating Heat–Exchange Equipmen t using Nanofluids / Y. Bіlonoga, V. Stybel, O. Maksysko, U. Drachuk // International Journal of Heat an d Technology. – 2020. –38 (1). – Р.151–164
8. Simonova I.Amino acid composition of meat and bone meal from various manufacturers of pet food and animal feed / I. Simonova, S. Grabovskyi, U. Drachuk, B. Halukh, I. Basarab // Ukrainian Journal of Ecology. – 2020. – 10 (2). – Р. 435–439
9. Basarab І. M. The use of pumpkin crumbs in pate technology and their functional characteristics / І. M. Basarab, U.R. Drachuk, I.S. Romashko, B.I. Halukh, I.I. Simonova, L.K. Moldavanova //Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Food Technologies. – 2019. – 27 (92). – Р.23–27
11. Bіlonoga Y.Changes in the hydro–mechanical and thermo–physical characteristics of liquid food products (for example, milk) under the influence of natural surfactants / Y.Bіlonoga, V. Stybel, E. Lorenzini, O.Maksysko, U.Drachuk– Italian Journal of Engineering Science: Tecnica Italiana. – 2019. – 63 (1). – Р. 21–27
12. Drachuk U, Influence of Thyme and Juniper on the Microbiological Properties of Pork Brisket / U. Drachuk, I. Simonova, B. Halukh, I. Basarab, I.Romashko // EUREKA: Life Sciences. – 2018. – 6. – Р. 41–46
13. Drachuk U, The study of lentil flour as a raw material for production of semi–smoked sausages / U. Drachuk, I. Simonova, B. Halukh, I. Basarab, I.Romashko //Eastern–European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. –2018. – 6 (11). – Р. 44–45
14. Paska M.Technological assessment of meat quality depending on the physiological state / M Paska, U. Drachuk, M. Yancheva // Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine. – 2017. –19 (80). – Р.8–20
15. Paska M. Determination of toxicity of chopped meat–based semi–products in vivo / M. Paska, U. Drachuk, O. Masliichuk, V. Vovk // EUREKA: Life Sciences. – 2017. – 5. – Р. 26–32
16. Romashko I.The use of lamb fat in the production of cosmetics /I. Romashko, U. Drachuk, I. Basarab //Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Food Technologies. – 2017.–19 (75). – Р. 140–143
Напрям наукової діяльності: Розробка технологій та розширення асортименту м'ясних, м'ясо-рослинних та м'ясо містких продуктів харчування;оздоровчі продукти: якість, ефективність, безпека.
1. Peshuk L.V. Quality management in the technology of mayonnaise sauces with non–traditional raw materials / L.V. Peshuk, V.A. Bakhmach, I.I. Simonova // Journal of Chemistry and Technologies. – 2022.– 20 (2). – Р.253–264
2. Peshuk L.Modern trend–health products with microalgae / L.Peshuk, I.Simonova, I.Shtyk //Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Food Technologies. – 2022. – 24 (97). –Р.52–59
3. Haschuk O. Improvement of technology of pate in the shell with the use of dietary supplement / O. Haschuk, O. Moskalyuk, I. Simonova // Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Food Technologies. – 2022.–24 (97), – Р.46–51
4. Peshuk L. Prospects for using extractive oils of spicy–aromatic raw materials in the technology of formed semi–finished products /L. Peshuk, I. Simonova –Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Food Technologies. – 2021. – 23 (96). – Р.33–38
5. Basarab I.Using of non–traditional raw materials in the technology of cooked sausages with functional purposes / I. Basarab, U. Drachuk, B. Halukh, H.Koval, I. Simonovа, N Herez //Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Food Technologies. – 2021. –23 (95), – Р. 65–71
6. Peshuk L. V. Technology of obtaining essential oil extracts from spicy and aromatic raw materials and their influence on meat and fish molded ready–to–cook products / L.V. Peshuk, I.I. Ibatullin, I.G. Radzievska, I.I. Simonova // Journal of Chemistry and Technologies. – 2021. – 29 (4). – Р.614–624
7. Пешук Л.В. Розробка м'ясо–рибних формованих напівфабрикатів для геродієтичного харчування / Л.В. Пешук, І.І. Сімонова //Національний технічний університет" Харківський політехнічний інститут". – 2021. – 3 (39). – С. 74–80
8. Peshuk L. Quality management and safety control of semi–finished production in the context of the haссp system / L. Peshuk, I. Simonova, B. Halukh // Collection of scientific worksΛΌГOΣ. – 2020. – Р.35–37
9. Halukh B. Expanding the range of sausage products of special purpose / B.Halukh, U. Drachuk, I.Simonova, I. Basarab, I.Romashko / Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Food Technologies. – 2020. – 22 (94). – Р. 37–43
10. Simonova I. Amino acid composition of meat and bone meal from various manufacturers of pet food and animal feed/ I. Simonova, S. Grabovskyi, U. Drachuk, B. Halukh, I. Basarab // Ukrainian Journal of Ecology. – 2020. – 10(2). – Р. 435–439
11. Haschuk O.Expanding the range of sausage products of special purpose/ O. Haschuk, O. Moskalyuk, I. Simonova // Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Food Technologies. – 2020. – 22 (93). – Р. 72–76
12. Simonova I. I.Influence of different methods of heat treatment on the technology of special purpose meat delicacies // I. I. Simonova,L. V. Peshuk // Modern engenering problems, challenges and modernity: Collectivmonograf. Riga: Baltija Publishing. – 2020.– Р. 351–369,
13. Basarab I.M. The use of pumpkin crumbs in pate technology and their functional characteristics / I.M. Basarab, U.R. Drachuk, I.S. Romashko, B.I. Halukh, I.I. Simonova,L.K. Moldavanova // Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Food Technologies. – 2019. – 21 (92). – Р. 23–27
14. Simonova I.I. Assessment of organoleptic and functional–technological indices of truncated semi–finished products / I.I. Simonova, L.V. Peshuk –Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Food Technologies. – 2019. – 21 (91). – Р.143–148
15. Ємченко І. Українські реформи безпечності харчової продукції: втілення європейського вибору /І. Ємченко, Г. Шестопал,І.Сімонова // 8– мА Міжнародна наукова конференція Проблеми та перспективи соціально–економічного розвитку територій, Ополе, Польща. –2019
16. Simonova I. Microscopic examination of chops with content of lentil flour / I. Simonova, L. Peshuk, O. Galenko// Ukrainian journal of food science. – 2019. – 7 (1). – Р. 16–26
17. Сімонова І.І. Дослідження органолептичних та функціонально–технологічних показників посічених напівфабрикатів / І.І. Сімонова, Л.В. Пешук // Науковий вісник Львівського національного університету ветеринарної медицини та біотехнологій імені С.З. Ґжицького. – 2019. –21 (91). – С. 143–148
18. Drachuk U.Influence of Thyme and Juniper on the Microbiological Properties of Pork Brisket / U. Drachuk, I. Simonova, B. Halukh, I. Basarab І. Romashko// EUREKA: Life Sciences. – 2018. – 6. – Р. 41– 46
19. U. Drachuk The study of lentil flour as a raw material for production of semi–smoked sausages / U. Drachuk, І. Simonova, B. Halukh, I. Basarab, І. Romashko // Eastern–European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. – 2018. –6/11 (96). – Р. 44–50
20. Paska M.Toxic elements in lentil, thyme and juniper in the composition of semi–smoked sausages using the method of atomic–absorption spectrometry with atomization in flame / M. Paska, I. Simonova, B. Galuch, I. Basarab O. Masliichuk// EUREKA: Life Sciences. – 2017– 4. – Р. 35
21. PaskaM.A study of toxic elements and radionuclides in semi–smoked sausages made with lentils, thyme, and juniper // M. Paska, I. Simonovа, B. Haluh, I. Basarab, O. Masliichuk // Eastern–European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2017. – 4 / 11 (88). – Р. 50–55
Напрям наукової діяльності:
1. Maykova S.V. Karotin contained bioyogurts and their use for the development of biologically valuable restaurant dishes / S.V. Maykova, I.S. Romashko, O.M. Vivcharuk, N.P. Shemedyuk // Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Food Technologies. – 2022. –24 (97). – Р. 27–33
2. Ромашко І. С.Проблеми управління трудовими ресурсами на промислових підприємствах України в умовах економічної нестабільності / І.С. Ромашко, А.А. Меліхов // III Всеукраїнської науково–практичної конференції, Харківський національний університет. – 2021
3. Halukh B.Expanding the range of sausage products of special purpose/ B. Halukh, U. Drachuk, I. Simonova, I .Basarab, I. Romashko // Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Food Technologies. – 2020. – 22 (94). – Р. 37–43
4. Basarab I. M.The use of pumpkin crumbs in pate technology and their functional characteristics/ I. M.Basarab, U.R. Drachuk, I.S. Romashko, B.I .Halukh, I.I. Simonova, L.K. Moldavanova / Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Food Technologies. – 2019.21 (92). – Р. 23–27
5. Ромашко І.С. Нетрадиційні грибні компоненти в рецептурі дресингу/ І.С. Ромашко, С. В.Майкова // Науковий вісник Львівського національного університету ветеринарної медицини та біотехнологій імені С.З. Ґжицького. – 2019. –21/92 (2). – С. 84–88
6. DrachukU.Influence of Thyme and Juniper on the Microbiological Properties of Pork Brisket / U. Drachuk, I. Simonova, B. Halukh, I. Basarab І. Romashko // EUREKA: Life Sciences. – 2018. – 6. – Р. 41– 46
7. DrachukU.The study of lentil flour as a raw material for production of semi–smoked sausages / U. Drachuk, І. Simonova, B. Halukh, I Basarab,І. Romashko //Eastern–European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. – 2018. – 6/11 (96). – Р. 44–50
8. Moldavanova L. Practical experience and perspectives in solving the problem of complex use of bone raw materials at meat industry / L. Moldavanova, U. Drachuk, I. Basarab, I. Romashko, B. Halukh, N. Krynska // Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Food Technologies. – 2018. – 20(90). – Р. 69–74
9. Romashko I.Use of lamb fat in the production of cosmetics/ I. Romashko, U. Drachuk, I. Basarab // Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Food Technologies. – 2017. – 19 (75).– Р. 140–143
Напрям наукової діяльності:
1. BasarabI.Using of non–traditional raw materials in the technology of cooked sausages with functional purposes / I. Basarab, U. Drachuk, B. Halukh, H. Koval, I. Simonova, N. Herez // Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Food Technologies. – 2021. – 23 (95).– Р. 65–71
2. Halukh B.Expanding the range of sausage products of special purpose /B. Halukh, U. Drachuk, I. Simonova, I. Basarab, I. Romashko // Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Food Technologies. 2020.– 22 (94). – Р. 37–43
3. SimonovaI.Amino acid composition of meat and bone meal from various manufacturers of pet food and animal feed / I. Simonova, S. Grabovskyi, U. Drachuk, B. Halukh, I. Basarab // Ukrainian Journal of Ecology. – 2020. – 10(2). – Р. 435–439
4. Basarab I.M. The use of pumpkin crumbs in pate technology and their functional characteristics / I.M. Basarab, U.R. Drachuk, I.S. Romashko, B.I. Halukh, I.I. Simonova, L.K. Moldavanova // Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Food Technologies. – 2019. –21 (92). – Р. 23–27
5. Drachuk U. Influence of Thyme and Juniper on the Microbiological Properties of Pork Brisket / U. Drachuk, I. Simonova, B. Halukh, I. Basarab І. Romashko //EUREKA: Life Sciences. – 2018. – 6. – Р. 41– 46
6. Drachuk U. The study of lentil flour as a raw material for production of semi–smoked sausages / U. Drachuk, І. Simonova, B. Halukh, I. Basarab,І. Romashko//Eastern–European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. – 2018. – 6/11 (96). – Р.44–50
7. Moldavanova L. Practical experience and perspectives in solving the problem of complex use of bone raw materials at meat industry / L. Moldavanova, U. Drachuk, I. Basarab, I. Romashko, B. Halukh, N. Krynska // Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Food Technologies. – 2018. – 20(90). – Р. 69–74
8. Romashko I. Use of lamb fat in the production of cosmetics / I. Romashko, U. Drachuk, I. Basarab //Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Food Technologies. – 2017. – 19 (75). – Р.140–143
9. Paska M.Toxic elements in lentil, thyme and juniper in the composition of semi–smoked sausages using the method of atomic–absorption spectrometry with atomization in flame / M. Paska, I. Simonova, B. Galuch, I. Basarab O. Masliichuk // EUREKA: Life Sciences. – 2017– 4. – Р. 35
10. PaskaM.A study of toxic elements and radionuclides in semi–smoked sausages made with lentils, thyme, and juniper // M. Paska, I. Simonovа, B. Haluh, I. Basarab, O. Masliichuk // Eastern–European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2017. – 4 / 11 (88). – Р. 50–55
Напрям наукової діяльності:
1. Basarab I. Using of non–traditional raw materials in the technology of cooked sausages with functional purposes/ I. Basarab, U. Drachuk, B. Halukh, H. Koval, I. Simonova, N. Herez // Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Food Technologies. – 2021. – 23 (95). – Р. 65–71
2. Peshuk L. Quality management and safety control of semi–finished production in the context of the haссp system / L. Peshuk, I. Simonova, B. Halukh // Collection of scientific worksΛΌГOΣ. – 2020. – Р.35–37
3. Halukh B. Expanding the range of sausage products of special purpose / B.Halukh, U. Drachuk, I.Simonova, I. Basarab, I.Romashko / Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Food Technologies. – 2020. – 22 (94). – Р. 37–43
4. Simonova I. Amino acid composition of meat and bone meal from various manufacturers of pet food and animal feed/ I. Simonova, S. Grabovskyi, U. Drachuk, B. Halukh, I. Basarab // Ukrainian Journal of Ecology. – 2020. – 10(2). – Р. 435–439
5. Basarab I.M. The use of pumpkin crumbs in pate technology and their functional characteristics / I.M. Basarab, U.R. Drachuk, I.S. Romashko, B.I. Halukh, I.I. Simonova, L.K. Moldavanova // Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Food Technologies. – 2019. – 21 (92). – Р. 23–27
6. Moldavanova L. Practical experience and perspectives in solving the problem of complex use of bone raw materials at meat industry / L. Moldavanova, U. Drachuk, I. Basarab, I. Romashko, B. Halukh, N. Krynska // Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Food Technologies. – 2018. – 20(90). – Р. 69–74
7. Drachuk U.Influence of Thyme and Juniper on the Microbiological Properties of Pork Brisket / U. Drachuk, I. Simonova, B. Halukh, I. Basarab І. Romashko // EUREKA: Life Sciences. – 2018. – 6. – Р. 41– 46
8. U. Drachuk The study of lentil flour as a raw material for production of semi–smoked sausages / U. Drachuk, І. Simonova, B. Halukh, I. Basarab, І. Romashko // Eastern–European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. – 2018. – 6/11 (96). – Р. 44–50
9. Paska M.Toxic elements in lentil, thyme and juniper in the composition of semi–smoked sausages using the method of atomic–absorption spectrometry with atomization in flame / M. Paska, I. Simonova, B. Galuch, I. Basarab O. Masliichuk // EUREKA: Life Sciences. – 2017– 4. – Р. 35
10. PaskaM.A study of toxic elements and radionuclides in semi–smoked sausages made with lentils, thyme, and juniper // M. Paska, I. Simonovа, B. Haluh, I. Basarab, O. Masliichuk // Eastern–European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2017. – 4 / 11 (88). – Р. 50–55
Напрям наукової діяльності:
1. Basarab I. Using of non–traditional raw materials in the technology of cooked sausages with functional purposes/ I. Basarab, U. Drachuk, B. Halukh, H. Koval, I. Simonova//Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Food Technologies. – 2021. – 23(95). – Р. 65–71
2. Fomina M. Indicators of energy metabolism in pigs when feeding various iron compounds / M. Fomina, B. Kalyn, H. Koval // Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Veterinary Sciences. – 2018. – 20 (83). – Р. 251–254
3. Fomina M. The influence of various iron compounds on the chemical and microelemental composition of pig livers / M. Fomina, B. Kalyn, H. Koval // Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Series: Food Technologies. – 2017.– 19(80). – Р. 103–106