1 курс

2 курс


1 курс

2 курс


1 курс

2 курс

3 курс

4 курс

1-2 група (технологія м'яса)

3-4 група (технологія молока)


1 курс

2 курс

3 курс

4 курс

скорочена форма навчання

1 курс

1 курс

2 курс

1 група

2 група

скорочена форма навчання  (Фаховий молодший)


1 курс

2 курс


1 курс

2 курс


1 курс

2 курс


1 курс

2 курс

242 - ТУРИЗМ

1 курс

2 курс

281 - Публічне управління та адміністрування

1 курс

2 курс

1-2 група

Вечірня форма

Договори про співпрацю 2023 рік << Детальніше >>

Договори про співпрацю 2021 рік << Детальніше >>

Договори про співпрацю 2020 рік << Детальніше >>

Угоди про практику 2023 рік << Детальніше  >>

Угоди про практику 2022 рік << Детальніше >>

Угоди про практику 2021 рік << Детальніше >>

Угоди про практику 2020 рік << Детальніше >>


Анкета-опитування щодо оцінки курсу < детальніше >

Результати опитування < детальніше >



1 курс

2 курс




1 курс


1 курс

2 курс

3 курс

4 курс

Скорочена програма


1 курс

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3 курс

4 курс

Скорочена програма


Subject area Veterinary




Areas of interest

  1. Study of epizootic features of the occurrence and spread of infectious diseases of animals and poultry, improvement of diagnostics and development of anti-epizootic measures

<<Колектив Антитіла Team Antibodies>>

Ветеринарна морфологія

Veterinary morphology


Areas of interest

  1. Morphology of the digestive system
  2. Morphology of the cardiovascular system
  3. Morphology of the respiratory and reproductive organs of females
  4. Morphology of urinary organs
  5. Morphology of the skin and reproductive organs of males
  6. Morphological assessment of changes in organs and tissues due to the effects of various pathological factors and drugs on the animal body
  7. Morphofunctional features of the structure of gastropod mollusk’s under the influence of anthropogenic load in urban conditions

<<Колектив Ветеринарна морфологія Team Veterinary morphology>>

Ветеринарні паразитологи та іхтіопатологи

Veterynary parasitologists

Coordinator Oleksandr FEDOROVYCH

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<<Колектив Ветеринарні паразитологи та іхтіопатологи Team Veterynary parasitologists>>

Відтворення тварин

Animals reproduction

Coordinator Andrii Shcherbatyi

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Areas of interest

1. Innovative technologies in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of internal pathology of animals

<<Колектив Відтворення тварин Team Animals reproduction>>


Intravet reproduction


Areas of interest

1. Improvement methods prevention of metabolic disorders during antenatal period and calving in the cows

2. Development of diluent for dog ejaculate based on biologically active substances


Клінічна онкологія

Clinical Oncology


Areas of interest

  1. Introduction innovative technologies in the treatment of animals with surgical pathology
  2. Biomarkers of mammary tumors

<<Колектив клінічна онкологія Team Clinical Oncology>>

Науковий центр гігієни та благополуччя тварин

Scientific center hygiene and welfare of animal


Areas of interest

Scientific substantiation of preventive and prophylactic measures in productive animals under conditions of man-made load

<<Колектив Науковий центр гігієни та благополуччя тварин Team Scientific center hygiene and welfare of animal>>

Науковий центр з вивчення безпечності ЯСХПТП

Scientific center for studying the safety and quality of raw MFPAO


Areas of interest

  1. Assessment of the concentration of hormones in dairy products as a factor that stimulates metabolic disorders and the development of cancer in consumers

Quality of pork meat, depending on the conditions of pre-slaughter handling

<<Колектив Науковий центр з вивчення безпечності ЯСХПТП Team Scientific center for studying the safety and quality of raw MFPAO>>

Науково-практичний центр доклінічних і клінічних досліджень лікарських засобів

Scientific and practical center for preclinical and clinical trials of drugs 


Areas of interest

  1. Developing and introducing new environmentally safe veterinary drugs and feed additives for animals and poultry, with antimicrobial, immunostimulating, antineoplastic, antiparasitic, antioxidant, and detoxifying effects

<<Колектив Науково-практичний центр доклінічних і клінічних досліджень лікарських засобів Team Scientific and practical center for preclinical and clinical trials of drugs>>

Фізіологія живлення, резистентності та продуктивності тварин

Team Physiology of nutrition, resistance and productivity of animals


Areas of interest

  1. To study the mechanisms of the effect of nanoforms of biogenic elements in animals and to develop a methodology for their use to increase the body’s resistance

<<Колектив Фізіологія живлення, резистентності та продуктивності тварин Team Physiology of nutrition, resistance and productivity of animals>>

Subject area Agricultural and Biological Sciences

Технології тваринництва

Animal husbandry technologies 

Coordinator Petro Bodnar

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Areas of interest

  1. Development of technology to increase the productivity of animals and poultry
  2. Ecological aspects of fodder production and feeding of farm animals in the soil-plant-animal-human system
  3. Biological aspects of fodder production and feeding of farm animals in the soil-plant-animal-human system
  4. Biological aspects of fodder production and nutrition of farm animals
  5. Research of the influence of geno- and phenotypic factors on the quality indicators of milk and their effect on the natural resistance of young animals and cows
  6. Research of the impact of safety factors on milk production processes, its biochemical indicators
  7. Study of breeding and genetic parameters of agricultural animals
  8. Study of economic-biological, technological features and productive qualities of cattle in the western region of Ukraine
  9. Studying the welfare of wild and domestic animals

<<Колектив Технології тваринництва Team Animal husbandry technologies>>

Водні біоресурси та аквакультура

Aquatic bioresources and aquaculture 

Coordinator Petro Pukalo

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Тел.: 097 234 84 19

Areas of interest

  1. Non-traditional feed additives and premixes in feed for fish farming and aquaculture

<<Колектив Водні біоресурси та аквакультура Team Aquatic bioresources and aquaculture>>

Команда технологів м’яса

Meat Techno Team


Areas of interest

  1. Rational use of raw materials in the development and improvement of the technology of meat products
  2. Improvement of methods for calculating heat transfer coefficients of liquid coolants
  3. New algorithm for calculation and selection of optimal heat exchangers with nanofluid heat carriers

<<Колектив Команда технологів м’яса Team Meat Techno Team>>



Coordinator Oksana Shtapenko

Areas of interest

1.          Study of the effectiveness of copper and argentum nanocomposite compounds for the treatment of burn wounds

  1. Optimization of methods for microclonal propagation of commercially valuable plants
  2. Biotransformatio of some heavy metals by microorganisms of natural ecosystems depending on their hydrolytic activities
  3. Development and improvement of optical methods for the study of surface phenomena, thin-film biological objects and tissues

<<Колектив Нанобіотехнології Team Nanobiotechnologies>>

Subject area Environmental Sciences

Eкологічний рух


Coordinator Nina Hradovych

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Areas of interest

1.     Assessment of natural resources and eco-friendly technologies for their use

  1. Environmental threats and factors of the process of the ecologization ecosystem
  2. The pesticide risk for bees
  3. Apiculture as a key factor in sustaining the planetary ecosystem
  4. Biomonitoring system of agriculture

<<Колектив Екологічний рух Team Ecomove>>

Subject area Engineering

Розумний сенсор

Smart Sensor 


Mariana Dzeryn

Areas of interest

  1. Development of composite organic-inorganic structures for smart gas sensors
  2. Development and improvement of optical methods for the study of surface phenomena, thin-film biological objects and tissues

<<Колектив Розумний сенсор Team Smart Sensor>>

Функціональні молочні продукти

Functional Dairy Products


Areas of interest

  1. Development of the technology of functional dairy products

<<Колектив Функціональні молочні продукти Team Functional Dairy Products>>

Subject area Materials Science

Нанотехнології в сільському господарстві

Nanotechnology in agriculture 


Areas of interest

  1. Development of a technology for surface nanostructural hardening of steel parts for agricultural machinery, food and processing industries

<<Колектив Нанотехнології в сільському господарстві Team Nanotechnology in agriculture>>

Subject area Business, Management and Accounting

Наукові горизонти

Scientific horizons 

Coordinator Marta Kunytska-Iliash

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Areas of interest

  1. The policy of innovative development of agro-food subcomplex
  2. Research of innovative models of ensuring economic security and sustainable development of enterprises of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine
  3. Marketing principles of production and distribution of competitive products
  4. Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management
  5. Competitive imperatives of strategic management of the development of agro-industrial enterprises in the conditions of integration into the global economic space
  6. Transformation of the public administration system under the conditions of hybrid effects of military aggression
  7. Simulation modeling of the development of agro-industrial complex enterprises by means of information technologies

<<Колектив Наукові горизонти Team Scientific horizons>>

Subject area Social Sciences



Coordinator Rostyslav Lemekha

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+38 067 370 83 94

Areas of interest

  1. Peculiarities of legal regulation of public relations in the context of the armed aggression of the russian federation against Ukraine

<<Колектив Юриспруденція Team Jurisprudence>>

Фізична культура

Scientific center of physical culture


Areas of interest

  1. Higher education in multicultural space.
  2. Sports training of young men and students in non-Olympic martial arts in the conditions of an educational institution

<<Колектив Фізичної культури Team Scientific center of physical culture>>

Вища освіта в полікультурному просторі

Higher education in a multicultural space


Areas of interest

  1. Higher education: culture and technology
  2. Spiritual, moral and intellectual education of student youth
  3. The use of artificial intelligence technologies in the educational process
  4. Philosophy of education: the subject of culture and the mode of the Other
  5. Conceptual systems in Henri Bergson's evolutionary theory
  6. Phenomenological discourse in modern European philosophy
  7. Socio-psychological foundations of the development of the professional identity of young people in the conditions of a transformational society

<<Колектив Вища освіта в полікультурному просторі Team Higher education in a multicultural space>>

Subject area Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics

Лабораторія з вивчення лікарських рослин

Laboratory for the study of medicinal plants


Areas of interest

  1. Investigation of the content of biologically active substances and pharmacological properties of wild and introduced plants
  2. Development of the composition and technology of medicinal and preventive means of plant and synthetic origin for the purpose of using them in dental, dermatological, cosmetology practice
  3. Analysis of economic, financial, organizational, technological and social aspects of the effectiveness of the production of therapeutic and prophylactic products

<<Колектив Лабораторія з вивчення лікарських рослин Team Laboratory for the study of medicinal plants>>

Subject area Multidisciplinary

Клуб історичних досліджень та економічного розвитку

Сlub of historical research and economic development

Coordinator Halyna Brychka
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Areas of interest
1. Folk demonology of the Carpathian Ukrainians; marriage and family of Ukrainians of Galicia in the interwar period; the institution of poverty in traditional Ukrainian society
2. A study of prospects for the development of the economy of Ukraine based on the analysis of historical realities 
3. Entrepreneurship in the field of services. Development of the service sector in the countryside
4. Investigation of macroeconomic problems of Ukraine's development, taking into account historical experience, Monetary and credit policy of the NBU, stability of the monetary unit and its factors, Poverty, its causes and ways to overcome Global trends of agricultural business development and the experience of Ukraine
5. Cattle breeding in the traditional custom-ritual culture of Ukrainians, domestic animals in the popular ideas of Ukrainians, traditional domestic culture of Ukrainians in historical-ethnographic Volyn, Ukrainian political emigration after the defeat of the liberation struggles of 1917–1921
6. Economic reforms and post war Ukraine’s recovery in context of European integration
7. Львівська школа біохіміків С.З.Гжицького Lviv School of Biochemists S.Z. Gzhytskyi

<<Колектив Клуб історичних досліджень та економічного розвитку Team Сlub of historical research and economic development>>