Наукові публікації
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Опубліковано: 12 грудня 2024
Перегляди: 157
Вагомі наукові публікації
- Gotsulya А. S., Zazhzharskiy V. V., Davidenko P. O., Zazhzharskaya N. M., Kulishenko O. M., Panasenko O. I., Gutyj B. V., Pyimra O. B., Mazur I. Y., Pritsak V. V., Drachuk U. R., Sobolta A. G., Riy M. B. Features of experimental modeling of tuberculosis in guinea pig with the participation of N'-(2-(5- ((thephylline-7'-yl)methyl)-4-R-1,2,4-triazole-3-ylthio)acethyl)isonicotinohydrazide. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology. 2020. Vol. 10 (4), 191–194.
- Mysak A., Ivashkiv B. Features of the clinical manifestation of the cutaneous form of mastocytoma in dogs. Ukrainian Journal of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences , 2021, 4(3), 62-67. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.32718/ujvas4-3.11
- Some biochemical indicators of serum, fattening and meat quality of young pigs of different classes of distribution according to the Sazer-Fredin index/V. Khalak, I. Dudchak, B. Gutyj, O. Stadnytska// Ukrainian Journal of Ecology. Melitopol, 2021, 11(7). С. 6-13. https://doi:10.15421/2021
- Mysak A.R., Pritsak V.V., Ivashkiv B.B. Mammary gland neoplasias in bitches (spreading, diagnosis, treatment methods). Topical issues of the development of veterinary medicine and breeding technologies: Scientific monograph. Riga, Latvia : “Baltija Publishing”, 2022. 73 - 132. ISBN 978-9934-26-203-6 https://doi.org/10.30525/978-9934-26-258-6-4
- Leno M., Slivinska L., Leno Y., Vlizlo V. Іndicators of acid-base balance of urine of dairy cows in prenatal and postnatal periods. Procedings of the XX. Middle-european buiatrics congress. Ptuj, Slovenia, 2021. S. 33.
- Nieźwiedz A., Maksymovych I., Gutyj B., Slivinska L., Stronskyi Y., Leno M., Chernushkin B., Rusyn V., Leno Y., Karpovskyi V., Leskiv K. Equine metabolic syndrome. Bulletin of Poltava State Agrarian Academy. 2022. Vol. 1. P. 194–200.
- Clinical and pathomorphological characteristics of spontaneous neoplasia of the dairy gland in dogs / A. Mysak, N. Khomyn, …,
Lenyo [et. al.]. // Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 11 (3), 130-134. doi: 10.15421/2021_153
- The condition of T- and B-cells specific immunity in dogs with breast tumors. А. Broda, О.І. Vishchur, A.R. Mysak, Y.Т. Salyha, I.О. Matiukha, D.І. Mudrak, M.B. Masyuk, K.B. Smolianinov. Fiziol. Zh. 2023; 69(3): 83-91. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fz69.03.083
- Martyshuk T.V., Gutyj B.V., Zhelavskyi M.M., Midyk S.V., Fedorchenko, A.M., Todoriuk V.B., Nahirniak T.B., Kisera Ya.V., Sus H.V., Chemerys V.A., Levkivska N.D, Iglitskej, I.I. Effect of Butaselmevit-Plus on the immune system of piglets during and after weaning. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, Ukraine. Volume 10, No 2, Р. 347-352, https://www.ujecology.com/articles/effect-of-butaselmevitplus-on-the-immune-system-of-piglets-during-and-after-weaning.pdf
- Mylostуva D. F., Farafonov, S. J., PuzniakO. М., StakhivV. І., Borshchenko, V. V., Tsisinska, S. V., & Voloshin, S. V. Antioxidant system of the body of young Ukrainian beef cattle under the action of microelements. Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems. 2023, 14(1), р.106-111. https://doi.org/10.15421/022316